Thursday, January 29, 2015

Drop outs...

What did I learn from module 1? I understand a bit better why students might drop out of an online course quicker than a face to face course. It's easy to put it off, forget about it, and miss deadlines. I also see why it really doesn't work for large groups to have an online discussion. At the same time, to be positive, I can see the potential for how online education might supplement a classroom experience. I'm much more interested in creating a blended style course that utilizes technology to allow students to do some of the work on their own. Maybe they will listen better with a video lecture? Can that free up the face to face time to discuss reading, answer question, etc. Hopefully this will become more clear as we keep going.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bolt Blogging

Here's my Bolt Blog. I included a picture from my trip to Europe. I look forward to using this blog to share my insight into online education... or education in general.